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Arabova N.Z.

Arabova Nodira Ziyodovna - PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE,  ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY, TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: the introduction of plant species into regions with extreme environmental conditions, such as Uzbekistan, plays a critical role in enhancing ecological diversity and resilience. This study investigates the ecological plasticity and adaptability of Lamiaceae species under Uzbekistan’s specific environmental conditions, focusing on traits that influence their successful establishment and adaptation. Through examining key adaptive traits like growth stages and environmental compatibility, the research aims to inform optimal strategies for plant introduction in Central Asia. Results indicate that species with greater ecological plasticity, such as Nepeta and Origanum, exhibit better adaptation to new environments compared to species with narrower ecological requirements. This finding underscores the


Arabova N.Z.

Arabova Nodira Ziyodovna - PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE,  ALFRAGANUS UNIVERSITY, TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: this study investigates the diurnal flowering behavior of Menyanthes trifoliata, a medicinal plant introduced to Tashkent’s environmental conditions, with a focus on analyzing insect activity during peak flowering times. One major challenge in plant acclimatization is often reduced reproductive success due to suboptimal environmental interactions. Over years of observation, M. trifoliata displayed variable fruit production, with a notable increase in fruiting post-2007. This prompted an analysis of insect activity as a potential driver of pollination effectiveness. The study found that M. trifoliata flowers open early in the morning, responding to temperature, humidity, and light intensity, which influence the timing and extent of flowering. Insects, particularly ants and bees, were observed to


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