Научный журнал «Вестник науки и образования»
Momunova G.A., Imamali M., Yusupova M.Ch., Tazhidinova A.Yu., Abdashimova A.A.
Momunova Gulzat Achylovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Imamali kyzy Mairamkan – master’s student,
Yusupova Milana Chagylganovna – master’s student,
Tazhidinova Asel Yusenovna – master’s student,
Agerim Altynbekovna Abdashimova – master’s student,
Batken State University,
Batken, Kyrgyz Republic
Abstract: at present, the whole world is beginning to raise alarms about environmental issues. The only way to preserve the environment is by developing ecological awareness in humanity, as only then can it be truly protected. This article aims to educate the younger generation by highlighting environmental issues in the works of Ch. Aitmatov. In all of the writer’s works, nature and humans are viewed as a harmonious, unified world, and he vividly shows that for every step we take against nature, it will take its revenge many times over. We believe that by organizing
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- Категория: 03.00.00 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
- Просмотров: 50
Momunova G.A., Talantbek A., Zholdoshova Zh.
Momunova Gulzat Achylovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Talantbek kyzy Aisalkyn – master’s student,
Zholdoshova Zhanargul – master’s student,
Abstract: this article discusses the current state of the rare flower Petilium Eduardii, which is included in the Red Book of the USSR and Kyrgyzstan. The flower grows in the Aygul-Tash mountains in the Kara-Bulak village area of the Batken region, Batken oblast. Currently, this rare flower is facing threats of extinction, as people wishing to see it are picking, breaking, and trampling it, which reduces its numbers. Due to this, a moratorium has been announced from 2023 to 2026. At present, no one is allowed to visit and view the Aygul flower growing in the Aygul-Tash Mountain botanical reserve. The flowers can only be seen at the mountain peaks, among rocks and thorns, which is concerning. Flowers that were once found
- Информация о материале
- Категория: 03.00.00 БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
- Просмотров: 74
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